LIVE weekly accountability

Budgeting Accountability Group

Would you like some accountability in staying true to your budget and on track with your goals?

What is Money Buddies?

You know you need a budget, and you need actually create one that's realistic and that you'll *actually" stick to. OR, you already have a budget, and now you're looking to stay true to it. You will meet weekly with others online to stay accountable to your spending & savings goals.

During our weekly meeting, you'll:

  • update your budget as needed ( ❌ no more going weeks without categorizing your transactions! 🙃)
  • work through mindset challenges with Cortney & a safe group ✅
  • troubleshoot your budget with Cortney ✅
  • develop your "why" and get clear on what you're working towards

If you do not already have a workable budget, a one-on-one budget coaching session (additional one-time fee) is required before meeting with the group.

Our Money Buddies group is cost-effective at only $60/month total (does not include one-time budget coaching session if needed).

No long term committment. It's month-month, so stay as long as you need the accountability.

BONUS: when our meeting ends, stay on for a few minutes extra if you'd like prayer for anything.

This is for you if:

  • You've tried budgeting in the past but nothing ever really sticks, or
  • You have a budget but have trouble sticking to it
  • You don't like budgeting but you know that it's going to help you reach your goals
  • You have questions about your budget but feel stuck
  • You want to find a safe place to talk about money and receive guidance
  • You want to be around others who are working towards financial freedom


  • a working budget you regularly use. You must either present your working budget to Cortney before joining OR meet with Cortney for a budget setup session (additional fee)
  • willingness to learn
  • participate & engage with others

Fill out the green interest form & Cortney will send more details participating in these powerful sessions!


Cortney Kaveh

May 2, 2024
10:00am Pacific Time

Thursdays 10-10:30am PT

Let me know you are interested by filling out this form.

Does the above time not work for you? Get on the waitlist and submit your preferred time!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.